Tuesday, July 17, 2007

New Kit in Town

Moses and I have grown lax at updating this blog regarding the progress of the new album. I believe I can speak for both of us when I say it's not due in any way to being soured on or bored with the project. No, not at all. The album is coming along fantastically, and the recording sessions have been loads of fun and satisfying work... well, the work part is all Moses, so you'd have to ask him whether or not he'd call it 'satisfying.'

In my dialysis years, evidently, I suffered a TIA, similar to a minor stroke, the result of which is my left hand is nearly useless. I can pluck a note or two at a time now, but I've known for a while that someone else would have to be brought in to handle the real guitar chores both live and in studio.

Enter Kermit Lyman, known to friends of the Philadelphia area indie music scene as Kit.

Kit joined us for our July 6 and 7 sessions and the results are magic fire. imo BBH has always rocked. but with Kit's guitar stylings thrown into the mix, we smoke and sizzle.

Kit and I talked briefly about his playing with us live and helping us put together our once-a-month shows in the Delaware Valley in the coming months. I would like to discuss all that with him further this week.

Also I need to reassemble my home studio set up these next couple days, and this has been a long drawn out process that gets me very cranky and frustrated. So I have to make sure I choose the time wisely to call Kit, as I don't want to misdirect any crankiness at our new unsuspecting bandmate. I am thankful and psyched about the opportunity to work with Kit. You can check out his band at

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