Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Sad Part is How Funny my Mind is Lately

How about a brief interruption before I tell that second Second Story story. A couple years ago I saw an episode of some popular crime drama show in which the victim was raped and murdered after the criminal covered her body with poison. I don't remember the name of the poison or what it actually did: suffocated her, made her drowsy or what?

Anyway: now, whenever I receive a bear hug from a friend or relative, I usually feel good about it at first and reciprocate, but sooner or later I experience a panic attack in which I think, "Oh shit -- so and so wasn't hugging me -- he was covering me with that poison and this very panic attack is the effects kicking in!" And then I expect to drop dead.

The funny part is how truly sad it is that my brain really works this way now. The thoughts are not fleeting and laughed over soon afterwards, as they might have when I was young. They linger.

Who or what did this to my brain?

I just thought these twisted tales of musicians at work in studio needed a light-hearted change of pace.

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